Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Note to Readers:
According to people.com, Claire Danes has selected Narciso Rodriguez (with Claire in the above photograph) to design her wedding dress. Hmmm, wouldn't it be nice if you could have a big name designer custom design your wedding gown for you? Anyway, I can't wait to see what the two of them come up with. Also, not only does she get a wedding dress designed by her friend Narciso, she gets to walk down the aisle to marry Hugh Dancy. I may be turning a shade of green with envy right about now.

Note to Claire:
Do you read my blog? Seriously though, because remember when I wrote this post suggesting you wear a Carolyn Bessett Kennedy-like sheath at your wedding? Well guess who designed her dress... Narciso Rodriguez. Coincidence that you selected him to design your dress as well, after I suggested that... perhaps. I am going to choose to believe you are a Fashion Noted fan though.


Suzy Hicks said...

She's definitely a fan, I have a feeling deep inside that she truly is. Thanks for keeping me in the fashion loop! Looking at this blog makes me feel like a hip-mom even though I read it in my sweats and my hair up in a greasy pony (TMI?).

Katherine Fajen said...

I feel that she is def a reader. I also feel equally jealous of her beau. He is so handsome and dapper.

Gale said...

Looks like a Halloween costume.