Note to Readers:
This post is a little bit out of the ordinary, but it is important nonetheless! My sweet friend Ani has a baby girl, Ruby, who is only a few months old but was diagnosed with liver failure. She is currently awaiting a liver transplant and receiving excellent (but pricey) care from the experts at UCLA. This whole situation just breaks my heart.
Stella & Dot stylist Julie Krueger contacted my friend Jena of Just Cook Already fame, to have a Jewelry Sale Fundraiser. All the details are on the image above (you may have to enlarge it). The sale is already up and running, and lasts until Friday June 10th. So, if you feel like accessorizing, being charitable, or love a good sale, please visit stelladot.com/juliek
Also, if you would like to just donate money to little Ruby's medical care, you can visit her fundraising blog here.
Need a little more nudging? Let me tell you a little bit about Ani. When my husband had his appendix out in April, and I was in the midst of my all-day "morning sickness", Ani asked if she could help us in anyway. WHILE she was dealing with little Ruby's medical problems and keeping up with her beyond adorable 2 year old Kate. That's just the kind of selfless friend she is. Love her.